How To Contact Penguin Briar
Phone Number:
Cell : 480-560-7285
Email Address:
Ordering Instructions
- Buy Using Pay Pal
- Call or email first to make sure it is still available
- Email your mailing address and your Pay Pal email login name.
- Let me know if you are an AZ resident
- I will send a Pay Pal Invoice
- Follow Pay Pal's instructions
- Buy using money order
- Call or email first to make sure it is still available
- Let me know if you are an AZ resident
- I will send you payment instructions
- Order a Pipe Kit (email or call)
- Let me know the shape you want to make and the stem style.
- Email your mailing address and your Pay Pal email login name.
- Let me know if you are an AZ resident
- I will send a Pay Pal Invoice
- Follow Pay Pal's instructions
Join the PenguinBriar email list
Note: Your name/email will not be shared or disclosed to ANYONE!